2013 LABOR DAY WEEKEND in Aspen....that means the 41st Annual MOTHERLODE!! Classic! August 28th through September 2nd
This year The MotherLode is more of a “Festival”... it's a 6-day tourney with the addition(s) of a Men’s 55-over division and a Women’s 45-over division. A new format allows for all participants in the multi-day divisions (Saturday-Monday) to “break” pool and to move into playoff competitions with the top teams moving into the “MotherLode Championship” division and the rest of the teams moving into the “Festival” division: Plenty of play; and, still, plenty of time for fun.
Hey, do you know the history behind this classic event...if not, here's the scoop shared by the producers of this classic tourney:

Hey, do you know the history behind this classic event...if not, here's the scoop shared by the producers of this classic tourney:
"In 1972, a couple of Aspen,
Colorado restaurateurs decided to spice up what was, at that time, a lackluster
Labor Day Weekend by hosting a small, invitation only, volleyball tournament.
Little did they know that their one day, 14 team tourney was going to become one
of the biggest, and most popular, pro-am beach doubles volleyball Events in
North America - the MotherLode Volleyball Classic, held every Labor Day Weekend
in Aspen, Colorado.
Transplanted from Newport Beach, California, all Howard Ross and Gordon Whitmer - the co-owners of The MotherLode Restaurant, in Aspen - were trying to do was to have a little fun and provide themselves and their friends with a beach volleyball "fix" on a quiet Labor Day Weekend. They set-up courts in Wagner Park, provided food for a barbecue, brought in a keg of beer, and played volleyball. The winners of that first "informal" tourney were none other than beach legends Chester and Steve Goss, from San Diego living in Aspen. It was fun! So…they decided to do it again the next year. And, a few more teams showed-up. The next thing they knew, they had - without the benefit, or effort, of advertising and promotion - a full-blown tourney on their hands. |
Over the years, the Event has grown to become the most comprehensive beach doubles volleyball tournament in North America; including upwards of 700 teams coming from all over the United States to participate in, and celebrate, what Volleyball Magazine has termed "the social event of the outdoor volleyball season". It has expanded from a one-day tourney to a six-day Event."
COME JOIN US ... The Innsbruck Aspen is THE place to stay over Labor Day....and during this Classic Event!